Live Blissed Out
Live Blissed Out
140 - How To Manifest Anything You Want
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In this episode Patricia Aaren talks about how to Manifest Anything You Want NOW and Beyond Without ANY Frustration.
Patricia is a highly sought after Manifestation & Success Coach, Hypnotherapist & Meditation Teacher who has been for nearly 20 years, Helping Go-Getters REWIRE Their Brain For WILD Success in Life, Business & Career.
To learn more visit www.vividrealities.com
Access her Free 10-Part Self-Hypnosis Course to get started at https://VividRealities.com/lbo
In this episode we cover:
3:02 Clearing Blockages
6:31 Want The Change
7:26 Identify Your Beliefs
9:01 Footballer Story
11:00 Quantum Field
12:43 Instant Self-Hypnosis Technique
14:57 Reprogram Yourself
17:53 Consistency
19:32 Your Subconscious Mind
21:20 Free 10 Part Manifest On Demand Course
Thanks so much for tuning in again this week. I appreciate you 🙂
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Special thanks to Patricia Aaren for being on the show.
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Did You Know 0:02
Did you know that memories from your ancestors are still stored in your DNA? DNA is a storage device much like a hard drive, and this is why we need to clear blockages for success.
Intro 0:14
Hello, action taker! Welcome to Live Blissed Out. A podcast where I have inspiration on informational conversations with business owners and subject matter experts to help you get the scoop on a variety of topics. Tired of hesitating or making decisions without having the big picture? Wanna be in the know? Then this is the place to go. I'm your host Marisa Huston. Helping you achieve bliss through awareness and action. So let's get to it. In this episode, Patricia Aaren talks about the five steps to manifest anything you want now and beyond without any frustration. Patricia is a highly sought after manifestation and success coach, hypnotherapist and meditation teacher who has been for nearly 20 years, helping go getters rewire their brain for wild success in life, business and career. To learn more, visit www.vividrealities.com. Access her free 10 part self hypnosis course to get started at www.vivid realities.com/lbo.
Ko-Fi 1:15
If you'd like to support this podcast and engage with our community, become a Professional Tier member for backstage access and monthly networking opportunities at www.ko-fi.com/LiveBlissed Out.
Disclaimer 1:30
The information opinions and recommendations presented in this podcast are for general information only. And any reliance on the information provided in this podcast is done at your own risk. This podcast should not be considered professional advice.
Marisa Huston 1:42
Patricia, welcome to the show.
Patricia Aaren 1:44
I am so excited to be here, Marisa. And I'm so excited to be sharing some very helpful information with you today. And we're going to experience some bliss for your blissed out listeners. Okay?
Marisa Huston 1:57
Yeah, absolutely. And it's funny that you say that because I get asked that a lot. Why did I come up with that name for the podcast? People think when I say Live Blissed Out that it means you always have to be happy. That's not what I mean by living blissed out. It just means to live with awareness. Because if you're aware of what is going on around you, then it brings you more confidence understanding, and then it gives you that willingness to take that step, to move forward. And that's really what this is all about is to stop procrastinating and stop overthinking things and just really open up to new information, so that then you have an understanding of what's out there and can make the best decision for yourself. Along those lines, Patricia, what are we talking about and why does it matter to our listeners?
Patricia Aaren 2:41
Today, we're going to be learning how to instantly and magically let go so that people can manifest a desired outcome, or event and change their lives. And by the way, Marisa, the name of your podcast is very intuitive. Your soul must have known something.
Marisa Huston 2:59
Thank you so much for saying that. I'm so glad that you like it.
Patricia Aaren 3:02
Absolutely. And when you learn to live from this place of bliss, everything is available to you. That's what's so exciting. Today, we're going to look at the five steps to manifesting success. And I'm just going to go briefly over them. And the first one is extremely important, and I can't emphasize this enough, and that is to clear blockages. And the second one, we're going to discuss is heartfelt intention, integrity, and mindset. And thirdly, we're going to discuss understanding what the quantum field is. And then we're going to leverage a potent technique. So I want to just go into clearing blockages because it's the biggest part of manifesting success, you have to go along this path to manifest success. Clearing blockages is like cleaning a rusty motor. Because you have to understand that when our hearts and our minds combine, we are a very powerful energy system. Self hypnosis, or hypnotherapy is the fastest way to do this. And you can also do this with meditation. But you do need to have a good, solid mindset. And I was reading somewhere that 70 to 80% of children grew up in dysfunctional families, regardless of any family status. Most of us have issues and old programming, old records within us. By the way, Marisa, did you know that scientists have transferred the contents of a CD a compact disc onto a strand of DNA, which means that DNA stores programs just like a memory stick or hard drive. So clearing our blockages is really imperative. Most people destroy their own dreams and the reason that's true is because they don't clear their blockages. The mind can't hold two conflicting beliefs, because that equals cognitive dissonance. And then that goes on to cause psychological stress, and then nothing manifests. So getting clarity equals control over success and your manifesting abilities. And when you get this, right, the benefits are enormous. And you can enjoy fantastically wild success. There's always a cost if you don't. And whether that be emotionally or mentally, it rolls into an individual spiritually. And when the spirit is affected, it manifests in all different ways. And that's why I call it bad programming. Because it eats away at you in one form or another. What we have to do is create new programs for the individual to run off. So that's why clearing blockages is so very, very important.
Marisa Huston 5:57
I can imagine and I really liked the way you explain that perfectly. I could visualize it, as you were saying it. I would imagine that same would happen to our listeners, as they listen to you explain the fact that it is programming. What we're exposed to is what we see. And that is why we have such different viewpoints of the same thing.
Patricia Aaren 6:15
Marisa Huston 6:16
We clearly see something and say, Well, it's a fact, this is what I see. But you'd be surprised how another individual can get a whole new perspective, just based on the programming they've been exposed to. And it's important to understand that in order for us to move ahead.
Patricia Aaren 6:31
You're so correct. When people come to me wanting more success, more money, or even a better career, I have to teach them of the process to unlocking your full potential. It is a co-creative effort, which means that you must want the change, and the fire must be in your belly to want that change. And the recipe is simple. But you've got to get it right. And it's desire, belief, expectation, and letting go. And I also say that faith is letting go and letting go is faith. It's very important to understand that you've got to have it all together.
Marisa Huston 7:08
Absolutely. First, you have to start with the awareness and understanding in order to prepare yourself to take that next step. But you also have to want it as you say. Oftentimes, we say we want something. But then when we understand what it's going to take for us to get there and then we're not willing to do that, then that means we're just not ready.
Patricia Aaren 7:26
Absolutely. You see, the next step is to identify the mindset and beliefs that are stopping you. Because in order to transform, we have to get in touch with the core of who we are by erasing those old patterns and beliefs, and then replace them with new ones. And let me give you a very common one around money. Most people who lack financial success have a blueprint that have to be in pain to earn good money, or they have grand success, or it's not available to them. So in hypnosis, or self hypnosis over a period of time, we actually write a new blueprint to the subconscious mind. And you have to remember, we all have had a lifetime of limiting beliefs given to us by our parents, our family, society, advertising, our peers, and even subliminal advertising. Neuroscience has already proven that when we reprogram the subconscious, we establish new neural pathways in our brains for subconscious beliefs to become automated. So it's very exciting that we can change. And change can happen in the twinkling of an eye as they say.
Marisa Huston 8:35
I think change can be so wonderful, because the idea that you can take something that isn't necessarily what you want, and turn it into something that you do want means hope to me. It gives me hope. It says anything is possible. Whereas a lot of us have this mindset that change is difficult or change is going to be uncomfortable. And in many ways it can be because you have to learn new things, and you have to be open to new ideas. But the reward is so sweet.
Patricia Aaren 9:01
Oh, look, I've had some amazing transformations with some of my clients. And I just want to tell the listeners about one of the most amazing transformations. I had a professional footballer come to me. He had a new wife and baby, he had a large mortgage and he had no other job prospects. Football was his dream career. And he was looking pretty demoralized in front of his teammates, his wife, and you know, the general public at large. He was the sole breadwinner for his new family because he had a new baby and he was in dire straits. And he had a dire need for an immediate and life changing outcome. And he came to me and over a period of six weeks, he had his $1 million football contract back, and he hadn't even completed the course. It was astonishing. And he said should I tell people? I said no, no. I said, I think you should keep this to yourself. I think you need to keep this under your hat because if they knew they could toss him off the team, so you've got to be very careful with who you tell.
Marisa Huston 9:59
It's funny you used that example. Because I was actually talking to a guest recently about people like your client who have this mindset of, I want to do this thing. And this is all I want to do for the rest of my life, which is wonderful. Because it means they have passion, and it's something that they enjoy, and they want to do what they love. That's wonderful. But what happens to a lot of people like this individual is when the rug falls out from under them. So, let's say they get injured suddenly, or get sick, or anything unexpected happens that prevents them from doing the very thing that they live their entire lives to fulfill. So now they feel empty, they feel lost. But this guest that I was interviewing said something really wonderful. He said, there are so many avenues that this individual can pursue in that same field that has nothing to do with actually being a player. They could be a coach, they could be a writer, they could do reporting, they could do so many different things in the field that's endless. And yet,
Patricia Aaren 10:55
Marisa Huston 10:56
They don't see it, because the only thing they see is what was taken from them.
Patricia Aaren 11:00
Correct. The next part is the understanding of the quantum field. And it's so exciting because you access the quantum field by meditation or practicing self hypnosis, and we're going to experience this very exciting self hypnosis technique in a moment. What you have to have understand about the quantum field is that the field does not care about whether you want an apple or a new car. And why that's exciting is because once you get beyond the attachment to whatever it is you want, you can manifest anything. It's so exciting because people have to open their minds to the fact that you really can have anything. And when you leverage a potent manifestation, technique, or meditation, all you have to do is be consistent in rewriting your blueprint, just like an athlete in training. And when you're diligent with your investment of time to achieve your goals, you'll start seeing magic in your life. I've seen the most amazing transformations in people. It really excites me. I get probably more excited than my clients sometimes.
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Marisa Huston 12:43
You are passionate about helping them and when you see the results, when you see that what you're putting in is giving you what you were hoping for, that makes you happy. And I totally get it.
Patricia Aaren 12:53
Yeah, we're going to do a short exercise now to show you how to let go and access an instant self hypnosis technique. Keeping your head straight, and your eyes closed, I want you to roll your eyes upwards and look right up above your head into the sky. And I want you to roll your eyes back until your eyelids start flickering. And I want you to enjoy this for a few moments. And this should be a very pleasant experience. I don't want you to try and force it, I just want you to allow it until it feels pleasurable. I want to give you 10 seconds to experience this. Okay, and then I want you to open your eyes for a few moments and I want you to notice the difference in the way you feel. So I want you to repeat this process just a couple of times because I want you and your listeners to experience this bliss together. We can all experience this bliss together. So I'm going to repeat the process. Keeping your head straight and your eyes closed, I want you to roll your eyes upwards and look up right above your head into the sky and I want you to roll your eyes back until your eyelids start flickering again. And I want you again to enjoy this few moments. And this should be a very pleasant experience. I'll repeat. I don't want you to try and force it. I want you to just allow it until it feels pleasurable. And I now want you to open them again and I want you to again notice how different it feels. How do you feel Marisa?
Marisa Huston 14:36
For me? It's relaxing. And I don't know if that's the right word. I think what happens in most situations is our minds are always working, moving forward, thinking about all kinds of stuff and it's very active. And when you take a moment to just take a step back and do this exercise, you feel calm, relaxed, relieved, like nothing else matters.
Patricia Aaren 14:57
Absolutely. And when you practice this regularly, you will start to experience magic. If you practice this technique daily at any time to de stress. You can use this process to reprogram yourself instantly. And I'm going to explain how you can do this. When you open your eyes, you can repeat an affirmation to reprogram yourself, such as I now weigh 130 pounds or 58 kilos, or whatever. Or I am now a non-smoker. Now, the very important thing to realize in the beginning to program new beliefs into your mind is not that you necessarily believe them at the point of time, when you say these affirmations. The very important thing to realize is that you are giving instructions or commands to your subconscious mind. So it doesn't matter that the affirmation is not true. But as long as the affirmation is in the present tense, and I'll repeat what I just said, such as I now weigh 130 pounds, or 58 kilos or I am now a non-smoker. It's very important that the affirmation is in the present tense. And it's a positive statement. Remember, you are giving instructions or commands to your subconscious. And it also helps to feel the feeling of your fulfilled desire, as it helps to connect the neuroplasticity, the neural networks in your brain. When Muhammad Ali said I am the greatest, he was actually instructing his subconscious mind. And I believe that one of your president says, no one can do it better than me. And again, he is giving instructions to his subconscious mind. So what we tell ourselves every day really, really matters.
Marisa Huston 16:57
This makes total sense. There are people, for example, who wake up in the morning with very negative feelings, like, oh, I gotta go to work again today and I'm not going to do really well, or I don't like the people around me, or I've got to go into traffic, and I hate traffic, whatever those negative thoughts are. It's a lot of different things just circling around us. And we don't realize how much that changes our attitude and our ability to do what we want to do. And so trying to flip the switch to be able to program our minds to something positive, that will get us where we want to go, that's tough. And so you're saying this process sets the stage. It reprograms us and gets us back to that positive place. And saying that one thing, even though it's not true, when you say I am 130 pounds, but you're not under 130 pounds, you're telling yourself that that's where you want to go.
Patricia Aaren 17:44
Absolutely. It gives the mind direction.
Marisa Huston 17:47
That makes sense. So, it's like a GPS for your brain!
Patricia Aaren 17:51
Marisa Huston 17:52
Patricia Aaren 17:53
I'll elaborate on that. And say that, if you are not consistent with the direction, you want your life to go in. It'd be like reprogramming an airplane or a ship to go in a different direction every five seconds. So if you're not consistent with the direction that you want to steer your life towards, then your subconscious mind is going to be very, very confused as to what to give you, what to manifest.
Marisa Huston 18:19
So along those lines, I have a question that I think our listeners are probably thinking. And actually there are two questions. One is, how often do we do this in any given day? Is it just like once a day in the morning, when we get up? Does it matter? And then my second question is, are we able to switch up those affirmations? Or should we just stick with one until it becomes truth and then move on to another one?
Patricia Aaren 18:40
You should stick with one to begin with. And with regards to how often you should do it, you should do it at least twice a day. One of the most potent things you can do is, I know that sounds silly and I'm sure that your listeners might think that it does sound silly, but to put post it notes on your screen or change your passwords on your computer to I am 130 pounds or I am now a non-smoker. Whatever goal it is that you want to achieve. To do this is very, very powerful. Because just like when you are watching the television, and you watch those advertisements, we all go to the kitchen and what make a go and make a cup of tea or coffee because those darn advertisements are on.
Marisa Huston 19:25
Absolutely like you see somebody having coffee or ice cream or whatever and you're like, I wasn't hungry, but now I want a coffee or ice cream.
Patricia Aaren 19:32
Exactly. But now that you've gone to the kitchen to make a cup of tea or coffee, you are engaged in something else. But guess what? That is when those advertisements are at their most powerful because your subconscious mind is listening to them. It's just a program that's running. It's just a program that's flashing to your subconscious mind. You can write it in your diary every day. As long as your mind is fixed on every day whether it be written down, post it notes or whether you change your passwords on your computer, or whatever, you've got to get your mind fixed on those affirmations daily. Waking up in the morning is good. And before you go to bed is also good. The other thing you should do is not watch television about an hour before we go to bed. You've got to take responsibility for programming your mind. If you're sitting there watching tv and you go straight to bed, then the programs that are running your brain come directly from the television. You've got to switch off the telly and you've got to install the program that you want to run, whatever goal it is that you want to achieve. Because the people who advertise on television are profiting by using your mind to manifest their desires and selling their products.
Marisa Huston 20:44
Yes. And in fact, I was watching a show about the eight track. I don't know if you know what an eight track was. Back in the 60s, they invented this eight track that you could stick in your car and for the very first time drivers could pick what they were going to listen to in the car. Because prior to that it was the radio, and they don't get to pick what songs play on the radio. That's fed to them. They didn't have control. And it was the very first time that they had full control over what they were listening to. So what you're saying here is this exercise will help our listeners control how they process their minds so that they can take themselves where they want to go.
Patricia Aaren 21:20
Absolutely. In addition to that Marisa, I want to gift to your listeners, my free 10 part Manifest On Demand course, which will give them more nuanced information and help so they can expand upon what I've given you today. Everyone can go to www.vividrealities.com/lbo and LBO is for Live Blissed Out. So it will take them directly to the free 10 part Manifest On Demand course. And if they've got any questions, they can email me directly from that page.
Marisa Huston 21:56
It gives our listeners the opportunity to experience the process and get a sense of what this is about. This is building a habit that is a positive way to help move the needle in the direction that you want to take it.
Patricia Aaren 22:09
Absolutely, I hope that you get a lot of benefit from this instant self hypnosis technique. It's very, very powerful when you practice it regularly. If you want to achieve anything, if you want to be the Olympic champion of your own life, all you've got to do is practice it daily. You will get results and you'll start to experience magic in your life.
Marisa Huston 22:32
Yeah, it's amazing how positive actions lead to positive results.
Patricia Aaren 22:37
Marisa Huston 22:38
Thank you so much for being here, Patricia and sharing this with us. I so appreciate it.
Patricia Aaren 22:42
You're very welcome, Marisa. Thank you for having me and I look forward to speaking with you again shortly.
Outro 22:49
That's a wrap for this episode of Live Blissed Out. Thanks to Patricia Aaren, for joining us and thanks for listening. If you have a question or comment for a future episode, all you have to do is go to www.speakpipe.com/lbovm or click the link in the show notes to leave a brief audio message. If you find value in our show, please visit www.liveblissedout.com to reach out, subscribe and share on social media. This show is made possible through listeners like you. Thank you. So long for now and remember to keep moving forward!